Thursday, August 18, 2011

Iron Deficiency

Are you often Iron Deficient when you go to the Doctor? Or is your child? Here are some more questions:

What is Iron?
Iron is a mineral found in our bodies that helps transport oxygen to your tissues. It is found in foods we eat in the heme and non-heme form. Our bodies absorb foods in the heme form more readily.

What is Iron Deficiency?
Iron Deficiency is when your body's stores of Iron have become too low because you are not eating enough iron containing foods. This can be either due to poor diet or you're body is going through rapid stages of growth and you can't keep up with your regular diet.

What is Iron Deficiency Anemia?
This is a result of iron deficiency; although it can be caused by different reasons. You should talk to your doctor if you think you have this. It can cause weakness, fatigue, and inability to perform at peak level.

If you have been told you are someone you care for has low iron or iron deficiency, below are lists of iron containing foods and some tips:
  • Heme foods (absorbed more efficiently): beef liver, steak, chicken, pork, fish (see list)

  • Non-heme foods: Fortified cereal, beans, spinach, wheat bran, whole wheat bread, egg, raisins, green beans, peanut butter, grapes (see list)
  • Non-heme foods are better absorbed if eaten with Vitamin C or heme iron foods.
-Eat Iron fortified breakfast cereal with orange or orange juice
-Eat spinach with strawberries or spinach with sirloin strips
-Eat ham with eggs
  • Cook your food in a cast iron skillet
  • Read the label! Iron is included on food labels. If it's from a plant, it's non-heme and will absorb better with vitamin C or heme source. If it's from an animal, it's likely to absorb just fine by itself.
  • If you're child has low iron, make sure they are only drinking 16-24 ounces of milk and not more since calcium competes with iron for absorption
**These recommendations are not for everyone. Talk to your doctor first and make sure these recommendations apply to you!
**Since there is a lot to say on this topic, feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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