Sunday, September 25, 2011

Have You Cleaned Out Your Medicine Cabinet Lately?

Take a moment this week to go through your medicine cabinet.  Not only do you need to organize your medicine, but be sure to check for expiration dates. Be sure to check your first aid kits and make sure that you are fully stocked....  just in case :)

Here is what to do with your expired medications:

Take-Back Programs
Does your pharmacy have a take-back program? Find out by consulting your pharmacist. 
If you don’t have access to a take-back program but there is a danger of the medication being used by another person, the FDA recommends flushing. Their site provides a list of medicines recommended for this kind of disposal. (You can also read more about stated environmental risks.)

Household Trash Disposal
FDA recommends the following:
  • Mix medicines (do NOT crush tablets or capsules) with an unpalatable substance such as kitty litter or used coffee grounds;
  • Place the mixture in a container such as a sealed plastic bag; and
  • Throw the container in your household trash.

1 comment:

  1. Also need to do this with vitamins and supplements you may have. How about makeup? Pitch old makeup, old makeup brushes, etc. (Of course not as critical as disposing of out-dated Rx, but what a great feeling to have one more area that is clean and current!) Thanks for another great reminder!
