Sunday, May 15, 2011

Date Night on a Shoe String Budget.

We all know how to plan a fun date night when we have money, but how do you plan them on a shoe string budget?  How do you plan them to be fun?  Why should we even still date now that were married, it's not like we have to impress each other anymore.   

Date night keeps the magic alive and having some ideas, when you need something fresh, may help you stay out of the marriage dull drums.  When I was in a student ward, for one of the activities, we made a 3x5 index card container with date night ideas on the card.  It was really helpful for some of the girls that had a hard time coming up with ideas.

So, here are just a few ideas to help keep the magic in your marriage.
This idea is number six in the list from
Basically, you take a book they are reading and underline words in a 

section they have not read yet.  The hope is that they will be wondering
why they are underlined, write down the letters and find the hidden

This site also has some great ideas. 

Here are two things I have done on dates that I really enjoyed.

-We each got $10.00 and we had to buy items to either make dinner

or make a dessert.  We then cooked the meal together.

The guy at the time, that I did this date, was a huge movie buff he found

out what type of movies I liked and we made homemade pizza and 
watched all the movies he could find that fit in the genre that I liked.

-Picnic dinner, with music and dancing under the stars after dinner.

I know it might sound childish, and I was 18 when I did this one. 
 I was on a double date with three of my friend's 
and their dates, we were at a park and we 
played hide and go seek.

- Katrina Gowen

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